- Leonard, A. et al. 2024. A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- Fuentes-Montejo, C.E., Aguirre, W.E., Elías, D.J., Barrientos, C., McMahan, C.D. 2023. Niche overlap between sympatric cichlid species of the genus Rocio (Teleostei: Cichlidae) in Guatemala. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
- Mena-Valenzuela, P., J. Valdiviezo-Rivera, J. Mena-Olmedo, and W.E. Aguirre. 2022. The first observation of copulation in Andean Catfish Astroblepus ubidiai (Siluriformes, Astroblepidae), in Lago San Pablo, Imbabura, Ecuador. Journal of Fish Biology. Link to PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., K. Reid, J. Rivera, D.C. Heins, K.R. Veeramah, and M.A. Bell. 2022. Freshwater colonization, adaptation, and genomic divergence in threespine stickleback fish: ancient and current events. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icac071.
- Tonella et al. 2022. NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics. Ecology (Data Papers):
- Santangelo, J.S. et al. 2022. Global urbanization drives adaptation in the plant white clover. Science 375:1275 - 1281.
- Cucalón, R.V., P. Jiménez-Prado, R. Navarrete-Amaya, J. Valdiviezo-Rivera, A. Torres-Noboa, N. Wierzal, K. Karpan, T. Borders, P. Calle, N. Lujan, and W.E. Aguirre. 2022. Phylogeography of the Chocó endemic Rainbow Characin (Teleostei: Rhoadsia). Ichthyology and Herpetology 110:138-155.
- Aguirre, W.E., G. Alvarez-Mieles, F. Anaguano-Yancha, R. Burgos Morán, R.V. Cucalón, D. Escobar Camacho, I. Jácome Negrete, P. Jiménez Prado, E. Laaz, K. Miranda, R. Navarrete Amaya, F. Nugra Salazar, W. Revelo, J.F. Rivadeneira, J. Valdiviezo Rivera, E. Zárate Hugo. 2021. Conservation threats and future prospects for the freshwater fishes of Ecuador: a hotspot of neotropical fish diversity. Journal of Fish Biology.
- Roberts Kingman, G.A., D.N. Vyas, F.C. Jones, H.I. Chen, K. Reid, M. Milhaven, T. Bertino, D.C. Heins, F.A. von Hippel, P.J. Park, W.E. Aguirre, S.D. Brady, M. Kirch, F. Di Palma, M.A. Bell, D.M. Kingsley, K.R. Veeramah. 2021. Predicting future from past: The genomic basis of recurrent and rapid stickleback evolution. Science Advances 7(25):eabg5285. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg5285.
- Jiménez-Prado, P., and W.E. Aguirre. 2021. Variación paralela en la forma del cuerpo de peces a lo largo del cauce en dos ríos costeros al noroccidente del chocó ecuatoriano. Revista de Biologia Tropical 69(1):45-59. DOI 10.15517/RBT.V69I1.41814
- Alava, J.J., Calle, P., Tirape, A., Biedenbach, G., Alvarado Cadena, O., Maruya, K., Lao, W., Aguirre, W., Jimenez, P.J., Dominguez, G.A., Bossart, G.D., Fair, P.A. 2020. Persistent organic pollutants and mercury in genetically identified inner estuary bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) residents of the Guayaquil Gulf, Ecuador: Ecotoxicological science in support of pollutant management and cetacean conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:122. Link:
- Reyes, W.D., and W.E. Aguirre. 2019. Effects of temperature variation on vertebral number and body shape in Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae). PLoS One 14(7): e0219677. Link to PDF:
- Aguirre, W.E., A. Young, R. Navarrete Amaya, J. Valdiviezo Rivera, P. Jiménez Prado, R. Cucalón Tamayo, T. Borders, F. Nugra Salazar, P. Calle Delgado, and V. Shervette. 2019. Vertebral number covaries with body form and elevation along the Western Slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes in the Neotropical fish genus Rhoadsia (Teleostei: Characidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126:706–720. Link to PDF
- Malato, G., V.R. Shervette, R. Navarrete Amaya, J. Valdiviezo Rivera, F. Nugra Salazar, P. Calle Delgado, K.C. Karpan, and W.E. Aguirre. 2017. Parallel body shape divergence in the Neotropical fish genus Rhoadsia (Teleostei: Characidae) along elevational gradients of the Western Slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. PLoS One 12(6):e0179432. Link:
- Aguirre, W.E., R. Navarrete Amaya, G.C. Sanchez-Garces, F. Nugra Salazar, and J. Valdiviezo Rivera. 2017. Range expansion of the genus Sicydium (Teleostei: Gobiidae) to coastal mountain streams of southwestern Ecuador and possibly northwestern Peru. Checklist 13(1):2049, doi: PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., S.E. Contreras, K.M. Carlson, A.J. Jagla, and L. Arellano. 2016. Evolutionary diversification of body form and the axial skeleton in the Gasterosteoidei — the sticklebacks and their closest relatives. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17:373-393. PDF
- Bell, M.A., D.C. Heins, M.A. Wund, F.A. von Hippel, R. Massengill, K. Dunker, G.A. Bristow, W.E. Aguirre. 2016. Reintroduction of threespine stickleback into Cheney and Scout Lakes, Alaska. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17:157-178. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., R. Navarrete, G. Malato, P. Calle, M.K. Loh, W.F. Vital, G. Valadez, V. Vu, V.R. Shervette, and J.C. Granda. 2016. Body Shape variation and population genetic structure of Rhoadsia altipinna (Characidae: Rhoadsiinae) in Southwestern Ecuador. Copeia 104:554–569. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., K. Walker, S. Gideon. 2014. Tinkering with the axial skeleton: vertebral number variation in ecologically divergent threespine stickleback populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113:204-219. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., R. Navarrete, P. Calle, and G.C. Sanchez-Garces. 2014. First Record of Iotabrycon praecox Roberts 1973 (Characidae) in the Santa Rosa River, southwestern Ecuador. Checklist 10:382-385. PDF
- Loh, M., W. Vital, V. Vu, R. Navarrete, P. Calle, V.R. Shervette, A. Torres, and W.E. Aguirre. 2014. Isolation of sixteen microsatellite loci for Rhoadsia altipinna (Characiformes: Characidae) from an impacted river basin in western Ecuador. Conservation Genetics Resources 6:229-231. PDF
- Bell, M.A., and W.E. Aguirre. 2013. Contemporary evolution and allelic recycling in threespine stickleback. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:377-411. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., V.R. Shervette, R. Navarrete, P. Calle, and S. Agorastos. 2013. Morphological and genetic divergence of Hoplias microlepis (Characiformes, Erythrinidae) in western Ecuador. Copeia 2013:312-323. PDF
- Drevecky, C.J., R. Falco, and W.E. Aguirre. 2013. Genetic divergence of a sympatric lake resident-anadromous three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus species pair. Journal of Fish Biology 83:111-132. PDF
- Park, P.J., W.E. Aguirre, D.A. Spikes, J.M. Miyazaki. 2013. Landmark-Based Geometric Morphometrics: What Fish Shapes Can Tell Us About Fish Evolution. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 34:361-371. PDF
- Vu, V., J. Christman, P. Calle, and W.E. Aguirre. 2013. Isolation of microsatellite loci for the predatory fish Hoplias microlepis (Characiformes: Erythrinidae) from a highly impacted river system in western Ecuador. Conservation Genetics Resources 5:437-439. PDF.
- Confer, A., V. Vu, C.J. Drevecky, and W.E. Aguirre. 2012. Occurrence of Schistocephalus solidus in anadromous threespine stickleback. Journal of Parasitology 98:676-678. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., and M.A. Bell. 2012. Twenty years of body shape evolution in a threespine stickleback population adapting to a lake environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105:817-831. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., and O. Akinpelu. 2010. Sexual dimorphism of head morphology in threespine stickleback. Journal of Fish Biology 77:802-821. PDF
- Bell, M.A., A.K. Gangavalli, A. Bewick, and W.E. Aguirre. 2010. Frequency of Ectodysplasin alleles and evidence for limited introgression between sympatric anadromous and lake resident threespine stickleback. Environmental Biology of Fishes 89:189-198. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E.. 2009. Microgeographical diversification of threespine stickleback: body shape-habitat correlations in a small, ecologically diverse Alaskan drainage. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98:139-151. PDF
- Vergara-Chen, C., W.E. Aguirre, M. Gonzalez-Wanguemert, E. Bermingham. 2009. A mitocondrial DNA-based phylogeny of weakfish species of the Cynoscion-group (Pisces: Sciaenidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53:602-607. PDF
- Arif, S., Aguirre, W.E., and M.A. Bell. 2009. Evolutionary diversification of operculum shape in Cook Inlet threespine stickleback. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97:832-844. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., K.E. Ellis, M. Kusenda, and M.A. Bell. 2008. Phenotypic variation and sexual dimorphism in anadromous threespine stickleback: implications for postglacial adaptive radiation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95:465-478. PDF
- Kimmel, C.B., W.E. Aguirre, B. Ullmann, M. Currey, W.A. Cresko. 2008. Allometric change accompanies opercular shape evolution in Alaskan threespine sticklebacks. Behaviour 145:669-691. PDF
- Shervette, V.R., W.E. Aguirre, R. Cevallos, M. Gonzalez, F. Pozo, E. Blacio, and F. Gelwick. 2007. Fish communities of a disturbed mangrove wetland and an adjacent tidal river in Palmar, Ecuador. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 72:115-128. PDF
- Felix, F., B. Haase, and W.E. Aguirre. 2007. A case of spondylitis in a humpback whale (Megaptera novaengliae) in the southeast Pacific. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 75:259-264. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., V.R. Shervette, R. Cevallos, M. Gonzalez, and F. Pozo. 2006. Occurrence of Sphoeroides rosenblatti Bussing, 1996 (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae) along the coast of Guayas Province, Ecuador, and a comparison with sympatric Sphoeroides annulatus (Jenyns, 1842). Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia 41:231-238. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E., and V.R. Shervette. 2005. Morphological diversity of the Cynoscion group (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), a comparative approach. Environmental Biology of Fishes 73:403-413. PDF
- Alava, J.J., and W.E. Aguirre. 2005. Scanning electron microscopy of Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae), a possible new species of intestinal parasite of the tallfin croaker Micropogonias alpinnis (Gunther, 1864). Parasitologia Latinoamericana 60:48-53. PDF
- Alava, J.J., P. Jimenez, M. Penafiel, W. Aguirre, and P. Amador. 2005. Sea turtle strandings and mortality in Ecuador: 1994-1999. Marine Turtle Newsletter 108:4-7.
- Aguirre, W.E., P. Doherty, and M.A. Bell. 2004. Genetics of lateral plate and gill raker phenotypes in a rapidly evolving population of threespine stickleback. Behaviour 141:1465-1483. PDF
- Bell, M.A., W.E. Aguirre, and N. Buck. 2004. Twelve years of contemporary armor evolution in a threespine stickleback population. Evolution 58:814-824. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E. 2003. Allometric growth of the sulcus in Cynoscion (Sciaenidae). Journal of Fish Biology 63:1341-1346. PDF
- Chiluiza, D., W. Aguirre, F. Felix, y B. Haase. 1998. Varamientos de mamiferos marinos en la costa continental Ecuatoriana periodo 1987-1995 (Marine mammal strandings along the continental coast of Ecuador period 1987-1995). Acta Oceanografica del Pacifico 9(1):209-217. PDF
- Aguirre, W., and P. Jimenez-Prado. 2018. Guia practica de morfometria geometrica. Aplicaciones en la ictiologia. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas (PUCESE). Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 104 pp. PDF at Researchgate (~44 Megs).
- Jimenez Prado, P., W. Aguirre, E. Laaz Moncayo, R. Navarrete Amaya, F. Nugra Salazar, E. Rebolledo Monsalve, E. Zarate Hugo, A. Torres Noboa, J. Valdiviezo Rivera. 2015. Guia de Peces para Aguas Continentales en la Vertiente Occidental del Ecuador. PUCESE, UDA and MECN, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, 416 pp. PDF at Researchgate (~17 Megs).
- Navarrete Amaya, R., V.R. Shervette, D. Vélez, W.E. Aguirre. 2021. Patrones Biogeográficos y Taxonómicos de los Peces de la Vertiente Occidental del Ecuador, pp. 22-55. In Jiménez-Prado, P y J. Valdiviezo- Rivera (ed.). 2021. Biodiversidad de peces en el Ecuador. Serie Especial de Ictiología Ecuatoriana I. Red Ecuatoriana de ictiología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 166 pp. Link to PDF of Book Chapter (~1.55 MB)
- Fuentes, C. 2022. Niche overlap between sympatric species of the genus Rocio (Teleostei: Cichlidae) in Guatemala. M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL.
- Forberg, J. 2022. Temperature Effects on the Development of the Axial Skeleton and Body Shape in Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae). M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL.
- Taube, K. 2021. Phylogenomics and Population History of Cichlid and Live-bearing Fish Species in Lowland Neotropical Rivers. M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Vaclav, J. 2020. Ecological Stoichiometry of Neotropical Fishes Along Elevation Gradients of the Andes Mountains. M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Alharbi, S. 2019. The Impact of Temperature on the Early Stages of the Development of the Body Axis in the Model Species Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae). M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Cucalon, R.V. 2019. Phylogeography of the Neotropical Fish Genus Rhoadsia (Teleostei: Characidae) in Ecuador. M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Malato, G. 2015. Genetic and Morphological Diversity Along Altitudinal Gradients in the Genus Rhoadsia (Teleostei: Characidae: Rhoadsiinae). M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Reyes, W.D. 2015. Effects of Temperature and Water Flow on Morphology of Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae). M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Link to Thesis.
- Drevecky, C. 2011. Genetic Differentiation of a Sympatric Lake-Resident/Anadromous Species Pair of Threespine Stickleback in Mud Lake, Alaska. M.S. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. PDF (~2 Megs)
- Aguirre, W.E. 2007. The Pattern and Process of Evolutionary Diversification: Lessons from a Threespine Stickleback Adaptive Radiation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. PDF (~2 Megs)
- Aguirre, W.E. 2000. Phylogenetic vs. Ecophenotypic Influences on Interspecific Variability of Sagittae in the Genera Cynoscion and Isopisthus (Teleostei: Sciaenidae). M.S. Thesis, Department of Biology, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS.
- Aguirre, W., F. Anaguano-Yancha, R. Burgos-Morán, C. Carrillo-Moreno, L. Guarderas, I. Jácome-Negrete, P. Jiménez-Prado, E. Laaz, F. Nugra, W. Revelo, J. Rivadeneira, A. Torres, V. Utreras, and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera. 2019. Lista roja de los peces dulceacuícolas de Ecuador. [[Red list of the freshwater fishes of Ecuador]]. Ministerio del Ambiente, DePaul University, Wildlife Conservation Society-Ecuador (WCS), Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Universidad Indoamérica, Instituto Quichua de Biotecnología Sacha Supai, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede en Esmeraldas, Instituto Nacional de Pesca, Universidad del Azuay, Instituto Nacional de Pesca, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad de Guayaquil e Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad. Quito, Ecuador. Link to article.
- Aguirre, W.E. 2015. Tinkering with the Axial Skeleton: Insights from an Evolutionary “Supermodel”. Invited piece for the Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics Blog. Published online August 30, 2015. Available at:
- Aguirre, W.E. 2021. Review of Freshwater Biodiversity. Status, Threats and Conservation. (By David Dudgeon). Quarterly Review of Biology 96:228-229. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E. 2019. Review of Tropical Pinnipeds. Bio-ecology, Threats and Conservation. (edited by Juan José Alava). Aquatic Mammals 46(1):114-115.
- Aguirre, W.E. 2008. Review of Red Snapper Ecology and Fisheries in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (edited by W.F. Patterson III, J.H. Cowan Jr., G.R. Fitzhugh, and D.L. Nieland). Quarterly Review of Biology 83:416. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E. 2008. Review of Genetic Diversity, A Lab Manual (edited by M.P. Weiner, S.B. Gabriel, and J.C. Stephens). Quarterly Review of Biology 83:313-314. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E. 2006. Review of Frozen earth : the once and future story of ice ages (by Doug Macdougall). Quarterly Review of Biology 81:193-194. PDF
- Aguirre, W.E. 2003. Review of Ecology of the marine fishes of Cuba (edited by R. Claro, K.C. Lindeman, and L.R. Parenti). Quarterly Review of Biology 78(1):110. PDF