DNA / Molecular Biology
DNA Barcoding:
Species Delimitation:
Bioinformatics Tools:
Genome Assemblers:
Functional Annotation:
DNA Sequence Alignments:
DNA Sequence Editors/Chromatogram-DNA Visualization:
Primer Design/PCR tips:
Restriction Enzymes/Digestion Predictions:
Population Genetics Simulation Software:
Population Genetics/Structure Software:
BEAST Phylogenetics Package and Related Programs:
Other Phylogenetics Programs:
Phylogenetics eBooks:
Haplotype/Network Mapping Software:
Microsatellite Scoring/Identification Tools:
DNA Sequencing/Microsatellite Scoring/Genomics Facilities:
Useful Commercial Sites/Programs:
DNA Barcoding:
- ONTbarcoder - Pipeline for Nanopore DNA Barcoding.
- ASHURE - Python-based pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing metabarcoding data
- Decona - Pipeline for processing eDNA metabarcoding data from Nanopore sequences
- eDNAFlow - Processes eDNA data from raw sequences to generation of operational taxonomic units and their abundance tables
- mBRAVE - Multiplex Barcode Research And Visualization Environment
- MetaBarFlow - Workflow for processing NGS data from metabarcoding experiments
- Metacoder - An R package for parsing, plotting, and manipulating large taxonomic data sets generated from high-throughput sequencing
- miniBarcoder - Pipeline for Nanopore DNA Barcoding
- Qiime2 - An open source, community developed, next-generation microbiome bioinformatics platform
Species Delimitation:
- ABGD - Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery for primary species delimitation
- bPTP - a Bayesian implementation of the PTP model for species delimitation with PhyloMap for visualization
- GMYC - General Mixed Yule Coalescent
- jMOTU- Package for clustering barcode DNA sequence data into molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTU)
Bioinformatics Tools:
- Anaconda - Open ecosystem for data science and AI initiatives
- Visual Studio Code - Streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control
- Positron - Next-generation data science IDE built by Posit PBC
- MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows for remote connection to servers for genomic analysis
- Google Colab - A free cloud-based platform that lets you write and execute Python code in your browser
- Kaggle - A free, online community for data scientists and machine learning engineers to learn, collaborate, and share their work
- Pro Git - Link to second edition of a free online book on using Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub
- Notepad++ - Free text editor that can open very large text files. Works with large genomics files
- Benchling - Electronic lab notebook
- Jupyter Notebook - Python notebook for bioinformatics
- ANGSD - Program for analysis of low-coverage whole genome sequence data
- BWA - A software package for mapping DNA sequences against a large reference genome
- Comparative Genome Viewer - NCBI online tool for comparing two genomes
- CONDA - Package, dependency, and environment management platform - Lets you run programs in contained environments
- FastQC - A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
- Galaxy - Open source web-based platform for genomic research. Very useful!
- Genome Data Viewer - Online tool for exploring and analyzing NCBI annotated genomes
- Minimap2 - A versatile sequence alignment program that aligns DNA or mRNA sequences against a large reference database (faster than BWA)
- Pilon - Genome assembly polisher. Improves draft genome assemblies and finds variation among strains, including large event detection
- PLINK - Free whole genome association analysis toolset
- Racon - Genome assembly polisher. Consensus module for raw de novo DNA assembly of long uncorrected reads
- Samtools - A suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data
- Trimmomatic - A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data
Genome Assemblers:
- Canu - Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler, designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing including PacBio and Nanopore
- Miniasm - A very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads
- A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis - PDF on RNA-seq best practices
- Salmon - Salmon is a tool for quantifying the expression of transcripts using RNA-seq data
- RNA-Seq De novo Assembly Using Trinity - Platform for reconstructing transcriptomes from Illumina data
- DETONATE - Tool to compute assembly quality statistics. Useful for assessing performance of different assemblies constructed from the same data.
- Transrate - Program for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. Statistics are comparable across assemblies
- TransDecoder - Program that identifies candidate coding regions within transcript sequences
- Diamond - A sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches, designed for high performance analysis of big sequence data
- STAR - Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference
- DESeq - Differential expression analysis for sequence count data
- RUVSeq - Normalization of RNA-seq data using factor analysis of control genes or samples
- pheatmap - Pretty Heatmaps R package. Implementation of heatmaps that offers more control over dimensions and appearance
Functional Annotation:
- eggNOG-mapper - Online tool for genome-wide functional annotation
- InterProScan - Classification of protein families
DNA Sequence Alignments:
- Blast (Part of the NCBI website; Primarily intended for sequence searches but also allows you to align two sequences).
- MUSCLE - Online tool for Multiple Sequence Alignment.
DNA Sequence Editors/Chromatogram-DNA Visualization:
- BioEdit - Nice program for editing DNA sequences
- Chromas Lite - Program for editing DNA sequence chromatograms
- Convert - Program for converting between common data formats
- Geneious - Commercial program for DNA sequence editing and analysis - Very useful!
- Phylotree - Phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation
- Seqtrace - An application for viewing and processing DNA sequencing chromatograms
Primer Design/PCR tips:
- BioMath Calculator
- Design PCR Primers Site
- GeneFisher Primer Design
- New England Biolabs - Guidelines for PCR Optimization
- Oligo-Calc- Oligonucleotide Properties Calculator
- PCR- Information on PCR
- PCRLinks.com
- Solution Dilution Calculator
Restriction Enzymes/Digestion Predictions:
Population Genetics Simulation Software:
- Easy Pop- Program for simulating population genetic data sets.
- learnPopGen- An R package for population genetic simulation and numerical analysis.
- Population Genetics Online Simulator- Simple online simulator by Bob Sheehy (Radford University)
Population Genetics/Structure Software:
- Arlequin 3.11 - Comprehensive population genetics software
- BAPS- Bayesian Analysis of Population Structure
- CLUMPP - Cluster Matching and Permutation Program - Used to analyze independent runs of clustering programs like Structure.
- Distruct - Program for the graphical display of output produced by Structure
- DnaSP - A software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms
- Geneland - Program to detect population structure from allele frequencies
- Genepop - Vey nice web program for basic population genetics analysis
- Microsat
- Migrate-N - Estimates Ne and gene flow using the coalescent
- NeESTIMATOR - Program for estimating effective population size (Ne)
- PASSaGE - Software for geographical genetics and spatial analysis
- Structure - Powerful software for determing population structure
BEAST Phylogenetics Package and Related Programs:
- BEAST2 - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis By Sampling Trees 2.
- Taming the BEAST - Tutorials for using BEAST 2.
- BEAST- Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees.
- BEAGLE - Program that performs Bayesian calculations needed to run BEAST.
- Tracer - Program for examining MCMC trace files produced by BEAST.
- FigTree - Program for creating graphic phylogenetic trees from BEAST output.
Other Phylogenetics Programs:
- CIPRES Science Gateway - Gateway for running phylogenetic analyses (BEAST2, RAxML, MrBayes, etc.) on the web
- BaliPhy - Bayesian Alignment and Phylogeny Estimation Software
- Ceiba- Scalable phylogeny visualization software
- LVB - Software for reconstructing evolution with parsimony and simulated annealing
- Mark Miller's Analytical Software Package
- Mesquite
- MrBayes: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny
- PHYLIP (Phylogenetics Inference Package) - Powerful phylogenetics package
- Joe Felsenstein's List of Phylogenetics Software
- MEGA - Very nice and user friendly phylogenetics software
- RevBayes - Bayesian phylogenetic inference using probabilistic graphical models and an interpreted language
- TreeRot
- Tree Time Program for calculating evolutionary times of divergence between clades
Phylogenetics eBooks:
Haplotype/Network Mapping Software:
Microsatellite Scoring/Identification Tools:
- MSATCOMMANDER - Software for locating microsatellites from genome data
- Peak Scanner 1.0 - Software for sizing DNA fragments from ThermoFisher Scientific
- STRand - Software from UC Davis for scoring microsatellites from chromatograms
DNA Sequencing/Microsatellite Scoring/Genomics Facilities:
- University of Arizona Genetics Core
- Davis Sequencing Facility
- GENOSEQ- Genomics Facility at UCLA
- SUNY Stony Brook DNA Sequencing Facility
Useful Commercial Sites/Programs:
- Applied Biosystems - Sells fluorescent primers for genotyping.
- New England Biolabs- Site for Restriction enzymes and other reagents for molecular biology.
- Geneious - Commercial software for genetic data analysis