Tutorials on Academic Skill Building:
Imaging Tools:
Mapping Sites:
Mapping Databases:
Useful Biology Sites:
Teaching Sites:
Miscellaneous Tools:
Sites for Leisure:
Tutorials on Academic Skill Building:
- Canva Poster Tutorial - Tutorial created by Olivia Schweikart for creating posters on Canva.
Imaging Tools:
- BioRender - Web app for creating professional science figures. Thumbs up
- GIMP - Great open source program for working with images
- ImageJ - Image Processing and Analysis in Java
- FIJI - ImageJ with preloaded plugins for scientific analysis
Mapping Sites:
- QGIS - A free and open source geographic information system
- DIVA-GIS Mapping and Analysis of Spatial Data
- Earthpoint - Software for coverting coordinates
- Google Earth - A wonderful program for seeing the geography of the Earth
- Maps of the Americas- University of Texas at Austin
- USGS: U.S. Board on Geographic Names
Mapping Databases:
- WorldClim - Database on world climatic data for use in spatial analysis.
- MARSPEC - Ocean climatic layers for marine spatial ecology.
- Animal Diversity Web
- ArKive
- BugGuide- Great guide for insect identification
- The Tree of Life
Useful Biology Sites:
- Barcode of Life
- The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online
- The Earth Hologenome Initiative - Initiative to promote hologenomic research on animal-microbiota systems worldwide
- Global Footprint Network- Site for calculating ecological footprints (including your own!)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- UGA Stable Isotope/Soil Biology Laboratory
Teaching Sites:
- Conservation Biology for All- Free online textbook
- HHMI BioInteractive - Many great teaching resources
- Jon C. Herron's Evolution Teaching Software
- Bob Sheehy (Radford University) Population Genetics Simulator
- Understanding Evolution (Evolution resource site for teachers)
Miscellaneous Tools:
- CalculateMe.com - Useful site for converting measures, currency, etc.
- Convert-me.com - Useful site for converting between units of measure
- Color Tweaker- Software for finding HTML color codes
- On the Go Maps- Online program for calculating running/traveling distances
- PDF24 - Free alternative to Adobe's Creative Cloud.
- StatCounter - Nice web site counter/tracker
- The Universal Currency Converter - Site for converting currency
- Web Album Generator - Program for generating phot albums online
- WinSCP - Free FTP Program
Sites for Leisure: