Lab Pictures
Click here for an "evolutionary" time series of the Aguirre Lab.
Below are some pictures of lab members in action:
Below are some pictures of lab members in action:
Ecuador 2023 - Galapagos Evolution and Society - Isla Santay:
Feb/10/23: We were very happy to host Dr. Molly McDonough as our DePaul 2023 Darwin Day speaker.
Feb/10/23: Olivia Schweikart presenting her research project to our 2023 Darwin Day speaker Dr. Molly McDonough.
Feb/10/23: Kaleigh Arnold presenting her research project to lab alumnus César Fuentes.
October 31, 2022: Mario Landa (center) and Katlin Jacoby (right) presenting their research to a Graduate Student (left) at the DePaul Undergraduate STEM Showcase.
October 31, 2022: Hannah Willis presenting her research at the DePaul Undergraduate STEM Showcase.
Ecuador 2022 - Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis - Isla de la Plata:
Ecuador 2022 - Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis - Mandari Panga, Yasuni National Park:
Ecuador 2022 - Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis - San Isidro Cloud Forest:
Ecuador 2022 - Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis - Antisana National Park:
Ecuador 2022 - Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis - Alambi Cloud Forest:
February 11, 2022: Thank you to Yoel Stuart for being our 2022 Darwin Day speaker. Fantastic talk on stickleback evolution in the fossil record.
August 16, 2021: Congratulations to Konrad Taube for successfully defending his thesis on the Phylogenomics of cichlid and live-bearing fish species in Middle America.
February 12, 2021: Very excited to have Liliana Davalos of Stony Brook University as our 2020 Darwin Day Speaker.
July 16, 2020: Congratulations to Jessica Vaclav for successfully defending her thesis on the ecological stoichiometry of freshwater fishes from southwestern Ecuador.
March 2, 2020: Congratulations to all the DePaul students that participated in MEEC this year, especially Medea Gough, Kris Staub, and Roberto Cucalon.
March 2, 2020: Very nice to visit Illinois Tech and give a seminar. Thanks to Andrew Howard for the invitation and the nice mug.
February 14, 2020: Milton Tan of the Illinois Natural History Survey and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign giving a fantastic Darwin Day Talk at DePaul.
December, 2019: Windsor Aguirre ran a four day introductory workshop on Geometric Morphometrics at the University of Guayaquil in Ecuador. Pictures Here.
November 8, 2019: Excellence in Science. Medea Gough presenting her work on DNA barcoding freshwater fishes in western Ecuador.
June 26, 2019: It's a small world. Ran into my first DePaul undergraduate research assistant Miguel Rojas at Max London's thesis defense. Miguel and Max worked in the same lab at Loyola University so Miguel came to see his friend defend. Ten years go by so quickly!
June 13, 2019: Great end of the quarter dinner with our Galapagos: Evolution and Society study abroad course. Stan Cohn (not pictured) is teaching Galapagos Natural History. Windsor Aguirre is teaching the evolution and society component.
Older lab pictures can be found by scrolling down on the following link:
Click here for our old Lab News pages.
Click here for our old Lab News pages.